Charity merchandise

Event services

Event have been involved in many of the highest profile Charity Event’s. Live Aid, Fashion Aid, Party in the Park, Princes Trust Concerts, Teenage Cancer Trust Concerts, London Marathon, UN concerts, Stroke Association Charity Bike Rides, Net Aid, Clique Sergeant, Queens Diamond Jubilee Trust and many more.

We have been a key partner in raising revenue for Charity Event’s through merchandising, catering and programme sales.

Event Merchandising also source key creative products at a cost effective price saving money for the Charity. Event merchandise generate concepts and manage design, development, production, quality control, logistics and distribution.

Event develop creative concepts that bring corporate social responsibility values to life, communicate the cause, appeal to the consumer and deliver measurable results.

Please see the case study for Harry Potter and Lumos

Examples below:

We were involved in the biggest print run for T-s in the UK for Sport Aid.

Below is a testimonial from the Teenage Cancer Trust

“Thanks for your team’s work, I thought Event did a great job for us”
Simon Davies – Chief Executive Officer – Teenage Cancer Trust

Another testimonial from Net Aid, raising money for the United Nations.

“Fantastic job – we will definitely use you again in the future”
David Wilkinson – Managing Director of Net Aid.

Below is excerpts from a thank you letter for “A concert for Killing Cancer “- starring the Who, Blondie, Jeff Beck, Bryan Adams. With a copy of the original letter featured underneath.

“Thank you      Thank you       Thank you. I would of been absolutely lost if it had not been for the help , support and pure knowledge that your team brought to our charity fund raising concert.

It started with the logo design – my agency’s efforts were a disaster in comparison. Your team then created the programme and merchandise that fitted together and gave us the perfect look and feel for the event. We looked so professional. It was amazing.

Last year we had another big fund raising event. I thought that, with my vast experience in the marketing world, we could create the right merchandise and image. Compared to what you produced for our concert, what we had was a disaster.

You even knew how many t-shirts and programmes we needed.

Please thank the whole team. They took all the stress from me, delivered on time, and that was astonishing.

*****ing brilliant!

Yours sincerely

David Longman (Director)